€2,880.00Price excl. VAT
Duration 9 hours 35 minutes
Availability 365Days
Would you like to establish an information security management system in your organisation?
Then you've come to the right place, because this e-learning course will give you all the skills you need:
- You will learn about the advantages of the CRISAM® process model.
- You will acquire the necessary basic knowledge and skills for using CRISAM®.
- You will learn how to establish an efficient information security management system with CRISAM®.
This e-learning can be extended with the e-learning "Data protection management (add-on for ISM)".
- Installed CRISAM® Information Security Management licence
- If you do not have a CRISAM® licence, you can request a training licence at academy@crisam.net.
€2,880.00Price excl. VAT
Duration 9 hours 35 minutes
Availability 365Days
Online modules