€290.00Price excl. VAT
Duration 1 hour 20 minutes
Availability 365Days

In data protection management, collaboration with colleagues is essential. However, they are typically involved in the process in a decentralized manner and are usually located within their respective departments.

For this reason, CRISAM® offers a target group-oriented, web-based, and user-friendly interface that can be used for all data protection management tasks within the company.

Are you using CRISAM® for data protection management in your organization and need training for your colleagues and employees? Then this e-learning course is exactly what you need.


In this e-learning course, Risk Owners and Risk Approvers will learn the following skills for using CRISAM® Web Access:

  1. Navigating the CRISAM® Web Access user interface.
  2. Completing data protection management tasks within CRISAM® Web Access.
  3. Useful tips & tricks for effectively using CRISAM® Web Access.
€290.00Price excl. VAT
Duration 1 hour 20 minutes
Availability 365Days
Online modules
DSM: Web Oberfläche für Risk Owner
DSM: Web Oberfläche für Risk Owner